The Bullet
The Bullet is a roller coaster in a figure of 8 style.
The track meets at the top and looks a bit like a church steeple. You are pushed quickly backwards up the slope. You then swoop back down before going upside-down on the loop and back up the "steeple". You then repeat the ride backwards.
The ride is constructed from steel tubes which are bolted together. The structure is mainly made from triangles.
It reminds us a bit of a rocket launch tower.
When the carriages are going round the track, the track wobbles, but it is safe.
The carriages have wheels on top of the track and also underneath it to keep them on the rails.
It is a fascinating structure and it was exciting to ride.
By Peter, Josh, Dan S., Tom F. and Jonathan |  The Bullet
 View from the end
 Fixing detail
 The loop
 Modelled in art straws |